Like it? That is the title of my chapbook, which I just learned is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press. I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it)-- see, I'm quoting eighties pop songs. And it's not an April Fools' joke either (unless you want to do April Fools, April Fools like my son was doing tonight. Is that meta-fooling? I am not sure, but I thought it was pretty clever, if confusing).
Anyway, I don't have any details yet. I just sent them the info they requested for the contract, so I will let you know as things progress. I cannot close this celebratory post without a HUGE thank you to my Workshop-of- Two co-poet, Angela Elles, who read every word of every poem in the manuscript, multiple times. And also to Matt, my co-host here at Two Poets, for encouragement and living the life, so as to inspire me and anyone who crosses his path. And my brother Harlan. For appreciating my poems and for writing his own. I could really go on, but since I haven't won a Grammy yet, I'll save the rest of my thank yous for the book.
Please share your good news here! I don't want to be the only one jumping for joy. Mirth seeks company.
Happy poeting,